/hΩme /♬ /∧bout  LEON DU STAR ɘlectronic funk music livɘ-artist from Europɘ

buzz evangelism

Once in a while we have to do a bit of software evangelism. For productions we like many software: Cubase, Wavelab, plugins and also Buzz.
buzz theme DAW Leon Du Star

Buzz is the first modular digital audio environment, which developed a pluginformat even before Steinberg came up with the wonderfull VST format.

Its more friendly on the CPU then the commercial DAW’s like Ableton/Cubase (you can use more plugs), against the price of the userface being less fancy.
Every task is ergonomically facilitated by a keyboardshortcut, so you can lay back with your keyboard, and compose tracks!

Check out more about the influence of Buzz on the digital music production scene in this great article here.